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Bride Of Shadow Canyon Page 21
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Page 21
"Sumner must pay good," Jed said as he glanced around at all the men willing to shoot a stranger for cash. "Just what is he telling folks he's doing out here?"
"He say you kill his son and steal his woman. He pay fifty dollar for my braves to track my brother and fight." Running Bear shrugged his wide shoulders. "We take money. We track. We fight, with, not against, my brother."
"What makes you so sure he's not telling the truth?"
Running Bear laughed, shaking his head. "Imp belongs to you. She loves you."
Jed groaned involuntarily.
"You do not want your wife to love you?"
"Damn it, Running Bear, you know she's not my wife."
"She shares your blanket?"
"She slept in my bedroll, and that's all she did. Slept!"
"Your heart is in great pain for you to lie to me."
"It's no lie," Jed mumbled, shifting uneasily. "We've tumbled on the blankets a bit, but we've not coupled. She doesn't love me. She's just.. .she's-"
"She shed many tears over loss of your blood and have look of angry warrior when women talk to you in my camp. You have good wife. You share your blanket with many women who do not love you. Why not Imp?"
"Hell." Jed pulled off his hat, slapping it against his thigh. "I came here to talk about Sumner," he growled in a low tone. "Not Rachell."
"You love her," Running Bear said.
"I do not," Jed insisted, wishing he felt the certainty behind his voice. "I hardly know her."
"You should mate. Your people need more honorable men. She bear you strong children. Imp will bring your spirit peace."
"What are my chances of talking Sumner into calling off this bird chase of his."
Running Bear shrugged. "You kill his son and take his woman."
"She was never his woman," Jed amended.
"White Hair have much pride. You tell me once, too much pride will kill a man. This will be so. You will fight for Imp."
"That's all I needed to hear," Jed said, pushing his empty plate aside as he shot to his feet.
"You cannot run from the Great Spirit, my brother," Running Bear called after him. "My vision is complete."
Jed made his way through the camp of men. He glanced at the sleeping guard slumped in the chair outside Sumner's tent, wondering how Sumner had made it this far. Inside, the spacious tent was lit up like a chapel. Tall candelabras lined the
back and one side of the white canvas enclosure. Candlelight glistened on a glass decanter of bourbon sitting on the edge of a small wooden secretary near the rear of the tent. Sprays of white light glinted off a gold object in the hands of the silver- haired man sitting behind the polished desk.
Distinguished enough, Jed thought, for a man of wealth. He wore a fancy tailored gray suit, the striped vest made of satin. A thin gray mustache curved around to a narrow pointed beard. Reclined in a padded chair covered in red velvet, he held a small glass of bourbon in one hand, an open gold pocket watch in the other. His gaze was fixed on the watch.
Sumner looked up as Jed continued toward him. He snapped the watch closed, dropping it into his vest pocket as he leaned forward.
"Why are you in my quarters?" he demanded. "I've not called for anyone."
"If you're Maxwell Sumner, I believe you're the one paying a call on me."
His dark eyes widened with recognition. "Mr. Doulan."
Jed acknowledged his name with a slight incline of his head and he slowly strode toward him.
"This is an unexpected surprise." Sumner rose from his chair, causing Jed to pause, his hand homing in on the grip of his revolver. If Sumner noted the subtle pause, his pleasant expression didn't show it. "Please, have a seat." He motioned to the two wooden chairs before his small desk. "I believe you have my nightingale," he said, easing back down into his cushioned chair. "I assume you've come here to negotiate her return."
"You'd be mistaken," Jed said as he sat before him. "I've a beautiful wife to be sure, but she sings for no one but me."
Knowing that, in a sense, he'd spoken the truth, Jed smiled.
Sumner's expression hardened, his jaw twitching with tension as he dipped his hand into his vest pocket. "We both know that's a farce," he said in a sour tone. "I only want back what's mine. I'll get her back, and we will be married."
"She never agreed to marry you. She doesn't want you."
"Lies. Don't think you're the first man to fall for her charm."
"What makes you think she didn't fall for mine?" Jed replied.
"You forget, Mr. Doulan, she was mine first."
That statement didn't sit well with Jed. "I believe you overestimate the employer and employee relationship."
"Don't be fooled, Mr. Doulan. She may come off real coy and sweet, but-"
"Coy and sweet?" Jed cut in, watching the tension in Sumner rise. "Are we talkin' about the same woman? My little lady has big green eyes, flaming hair and one hell of a hot temper."
"I'm not playing games. Miss Nightingale will be returned to me. I wouldn't be chasing her across the country without sufficient cause."
"Just how would you define sufficient ?" Jed inquired, truly curious as to the man's reasoning.
"She's stolen a valuable commodity that's vital to my business."
"Such as?"
Sumner's jaw twitched again with anger. His finger fiddled with the watch still inside his pocket. "She's my star attraction and she took plenty! The dresses I paid for, cash from the till. Probably anything she could get her hands on before she snuck out of town."
"You expect me to take your word for that?"
Sumner straightened in his chair, squaring his shoulders. "Are you calling me a liar?"
"Yes. Iam."
Jed waited for Sumner to back up his puffed up bravado, but as he expected, the man merely eased back in the chair.
Sumner's eyes narrowed. "She's hardly worth getting yourself killed over, Mr. Doulan. Half the men in Missouri have paid top dollar for her services."
Jed lunged forward, drawing the knife at his waist as he pulled the man up from his chair by his jacket. Pressing the blade to his throat, he tried to think of one good reason he shouldn't kill the man threatening Rachell.
He couldn't think of a single one.
"You kill me," Sumner said, his voice trembling, "and you'll not make it out of this camp alive."
"Don't bet on it," Jed growled, pressing the tip of his blade to the skin of Sumner's throat until a drop of red blood beaded across the silver metal. "You'll watch your tongue when speaking of my wife or you'll soon be without it. Understood?"
He snatched the watch from his vest then shoved him back in his chair. He took a step back and clicked open the golden disks. Tucked behind the lid was a small painting of a woman with red hair and green eyes. Not nearly as pretty as Rachell.
"Who's the woman?"
"You know who the woman is."
"I've never seen this woman in my life," Jed said in all honesty. "Either you hired a piss-poor artist or you need spectacles. This woman is not Rachell."
Sumner's eyes widened at the mention of Rachell's name.
"You don't even know her real name, do you?"
"Her name is Miss Nightingale."
"Sumner, you do know they're not the same woman, don't you? You're chasing after the wrong woman. Rachell doesn't want you."
"Listen here, you-"
"Enough with the pleasantries," Jed said, snapping the watch closed.
Sumner's pensive eyes locked on his precious trinket.
"I'm advising you to pack up and pull your men out."
Sumner glared up at Jed, trembling with anger. "I'm not leaving without my nightingale. She's my star attraction."
"Find a new one."
"I'm protecting my investments, Mr. Doulan. This is one I refuse to let go."
"I'm protecting my wife."
"Stop saying that," Sumner seethed through clenched teeth. "She is not your wife!"
"The hell she isn't. I've
got documentation to prove it. Your portraits of some red-haired strumpet don't give you one damn bit of a claim on my wife," he said, tossing the watch onto the desk. "Insanity perhaps, but not my wife."
"I'll not leave these godforsaken hills without my nightingale."
"Sumner, you'll leave Nevada empty-handed or you won't leave it at all. Try to come near my wife, and I'll kill you."
"You may have a notable reputation as a gunfighter, but you can't fight thirty men alone, Mr. Doulan."
"Who says I'm alone?" Jed slowly backed away, his gaze never wavering from Sumner. "Enter Shadow Canyon, and you won't be walking out." He turned and left the tent, cursing himself for not killing Maxwell Sumner when he'd had the chance.
Jed pulled his hat low and walked toward the woods where he'd left Sage. Within moments Sumner's voice echoed through the night air, chastising his men and demanding they search the area for him.
Damn fool. His bunch of hired gunmen didn't know one from the other, and half of them were drunk. With any luck, a few would pick each other off, leaving him less to worry about.
Thank God his friends had shown up and Buck could lead Rachell over the mountain before Sumner arrived.
As Sage cantered through the narrow passage leading into Shadow Canyon, Jed heard a strangled squawk that belonged to no bird, nocturnal or otherwise.
"Buck, why don't you just shout, howdy?"
Deep laughter answered him from the shadows before Buck strolled toward him. His blond hair and mustache shone in the
moonlight like a beacon. Jed dismounted, greeting his friend with a handshake and a firm slap on the back.
"I would have greeted you when you rode out this afternoon," Buck said, "but you rode through here like a flash of lightning."
"You camped over that rise?" Jed asked, motioning toward the western hillside.
"Yep. Your young gun is back there holdin' down the fort."
"You found June, then?"
"I did. That stick of a boy has got about as much give in him as you do. He popped out from behind a tree and trained his gun on my head before I had the chance to blink."
"It's not wise to blink when a man has a gun on you, Buck," Jed said with amusement.
"Like you, that kid don't blink. He ran me through fifty questions before he would believe who I was and lower his gun. How old is that boy?"
"Old enough to hold his ground and fire a gun. Right now, that's about all that matters. He giving you any trouble?"
"No, sir. Once he figured out I was on his side, he warmed up to me like a rattler with its tail caught in a crack."
Jed grinned. "Most folks don't warm to strangers or smile on a whim like you and Running Bear."
"Maybe so. But that kid had better get a handle on a sense of humor before he's ruined for good."
Jed gave a nod of agreement. "You and Ben rode in last night?'
"We would have stopped for a cup of coffee, but things sounded mighty heated in that little shack last night."
"You must have caught our argument."
"Is that what it was? After the ruckus Ben and I heard, we had to wonder how you'd managed not to kill each other during the past few weeks."
"I need you here at sunup," he said, eager to change the subject. "Sumner won't reach this opening until midday, and I want Rachell long gone before that happens."
"You got it."
Knowing Rachell would be under Buck's protection, he could focus on dealing with Sumner and his men.
"Ben and I left Devil's Bend yesterday at dawn," Buck continued. "If you're in agreement, that's where I'll take her. We can be at our campsite by noon."
Jed gave a nod. Rachell would be well out of harm's way before Sumner reached the canyon. Everything seemed to be arranged as best it could be.
Jed pulled in a deep breath, figuring it was time to return to the cabin.. .and Rachell.
"You sure look mighty stressed, friend," Buck commented. "That's not like you at all. You've battled with greater odds than this, so I'm inclined to believe your stress is on account of the woman." A grin played at the corners of his mouth.
"You've been talking to Running Bear."
"I won't deny it. He's quite thunderstruck by the little lady. Is Running Bear off the mark with her? She turn out to be a real hag?"
"No!" Jed answered in a roar.
Buck lifted his hands. "Calm down, buddy. I'm not attacking the woman. Damn, but your temper's riding on a hair trigger. Perhaps it'd be best for Rachell to come back to the Bucking C with me and Lizzy. Ben may not want a woman of ill repute living under his roof."
"She's no such thing. She was a showgirl, nothing more."
"Don't that usually go hand in hand?"
"There's nothing usual about your sister-in-law."
"I'm a bit confused, Jed. Are you so worked up because you don't like her at all, or because you like her more than yer wantin' to?"
"Did you know she was only twenty-three?"
"Who, Rachell?"
"No, the queen of England. Of course Rachell!"
"Well..." Buck scratched at his matted hair as his puzzled
gaze moved over Jed's fierce expression. "Lizzy said she was a mite younger than herself, but she never gave me a firm number." A smile stretched his lips. "You been havin' trouble with her age, Jed?"
If any other man were to show the open amusement he saw in Buck's face, Jed wouldn't waste a second to reset his jaw. As it was, he strained to keep himself from doing just that. "Next time you get a sister-in-law who's gone missin', you can track her down your damn self."
"Lizzy and I are a hundred-times sorry for any trouble she's caused you. You know I appreciate your help. Has she been all that bad?" he asked with a look of true concern.
"No," Jed admitted. "She just... Widell had to go and hitch us together."
"I sure was real sorry to hear about that. Must have reminded you of Malika."
Jed's eyes swept across the tall rock cliffs illuminated in the moonlight. "You have no idea."
"Is Rachell a real shrew?"
"That's not the point! And no, she's not a shrew," he said in a milder tone. "She happens to be a fine woman. Damned beautiful and young."
Buck gave a hearty laugh. "Hell, Jed. Twenty-three is a full- grown woman. You're not bound to her by any Indian customs. She's a widow for cryin' out loud. So long as you're both consenting, ain't no harm in blowin' off some steam."
"I've been gone too long already," Jed said, trying to remind himself of all the reasons he shouldn't rush back to Rachell and straight into her waiting arms. "Why don't you come have supper with us? You can meet Rachell and I'll fill you in on all the details."
Buck held his hands up and backed away, making Jed wonder if he'd heard about Rachell's cooking.
"Nope." Buck shook his head. "I can see there's unresolved issues between the two of you. You enjoy your last night alone with the little lady."
Jed bit back a curse, thinking the only way to resolve their issues was for Buck to take his sister-in-law over the mountain tonight. But that clearly wasn't going to happen.
Chapter Twenty
Jed!" Rachell propped her rifle against the door frame and stepped outside, relieved to see his large shadow emerge from the darkness. When night had fallen and he hadn't returned, she'd been out of her mind with worry.
'Thank God!" She ran toward him and nearly leapt into his arms, but managed to gain enough composure to pull herself to a halt just in front of him. To her amazement, Jed closed the distance between them. His strong arms clamped her tight against him.
It was a glorious feeling to be pressed against his chest, and she had been truly worried.
"You're late," she felt inclined to mention, not bothering to lift her mouth from the bend of his neck as she did so. Sweet heaven, but the man smelled wonderful, and tasted even better. "I was worried," she added.
"Is that so?" he said in his easy tone.
Then he ruined the moment by placing her back
on her feet and stepping away from her. She couldn't keep her tongue from gliding across her lips, again tasting his skin. Jed noticed. His eyes darkened. The carnal look he flashed her warmed her blood and wreaked terrible havoc on her pulse.
"Let's go inside," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he ushered her back into the warmth of the cabin.
"Where have you been?" she asked as he closed the door.
"I had a talk with Maxwell Sumner."
A cold wave of fear stiffened her body. "H-he's here? In the canyon?"
"Calm down, honey," Jed said, easing her onto a chair. "He's made camp a few hours away. That's why I took so long."
A few hours away? Rachell trembled, thinking that didn't sound nearly far enough.
"Don't fret," he said, crouching in front of her, taking her shaking hands in his. "Running Bear is scouting for him, so he won't be sneaking up on us."
"Running Bear?"
"Yep. I had supper with him before I had a talk with Sumner."
"What did you and Maxwell talk about?"
"I told him to leave, he told me no. He said you were a thief and a whore. I told him he was a liar and threatened to remove his tongue."
Despite her fear, Jed's matter-of-fact delivery of news made Rachell relax.
"He was a mite agitated when I wasn't willing to turn you over without a fight," Jed finished.
"He's a man who's accustomed to getting what he wants," Rachell said.
"I noticed. Right now, that seems to be you."
"I took nothing of his."
Jed traced her jaw with his finger, sending a course of shivers through Rachell's body.
"Sugar, he thinks you belong to him, so by his way of thinking, you have. He's got himself a regular army down there."
"How can you and Juniper-"
"We're not alone. I ran into Buck on my way back. Ben and a few of Running Bear's warriors are posted near Sumner's camp."
"My sister's husband is here?"
"Apparently he and Ben Darby arrived last night."
"Why didn't they come to the cabin?"
Jed smiled wryly. "Do you remember last night?"
Oh heavens. She'd been a raving lunatic last night.