Bride Of Shadow Canyon Read online

Page 22

"Seems they overheard part of our quarrel. They, uh, didn't want to intrude."

  "Oh, dear," she sighed, dropping her face into her hands.

  "Don't worry, sugar. I'm not known to be the easiest person to live with."

  "Do tell," she mused.

  "You won't have to put up with me much longer," he said as he straightened away from her, making Rachell wish she'd said nothing at all. She wanted him close. She couldn't bear the thought of what tomorrow would bring. Facing Maxwell Sumner didn't frighten her half as much as the thought of losing Jed.

  "Buck will be here shortly after dawn to take you out of the canyon."

  Her head snapped up. "What?"

  "You didn't hear me?"

  "I'm not leaving you to face my problems alone."

  "Oh, yes you are. I didn't bring you this far to chance you getting stuck in the middle of a gunfight. There's no way Sumner's gettin' within even a mile of you."

  "What if Buck hadn't shown up?" she challenged.

  "I knew he would."


  "He's my friend. He's your brother-in-law."

  "I don't care!" She jumped to her feet. "I'm not leaving you. I can shoot a rifle as good as anyone. I won't run and leave others to pay for my mess."

  "Sweetheart, you didn't make this mess. Sumner is not a reasonable sort of man. I made a vow to protect you, and you're going to let me."

  "Your safety is no less important to me! I won't run!"

  Jed had to get out of the cabin before he pulled her into his arms, and there'd be no stopping. He'd make her his woman and to hell with the consequences.

  Rachell grabbed him by the arm as he turned away. "You're going to leave me?"

  "No. I left Sage saddled in the meadow. I just wanted to let you know I was back. Don't worry, Rachell. Buck's at the neck of the canyon, Gabe and Abel O'Conner are on lookout and Running Bear has men posted in various spots. No one will get in here undetected."

  Rachell didn't want to be alone right now, but she silently watched Jed leave the cabin, walking into the night the same way he intended to walk out of her life.

  A couple of hours later, Rachell stood in the doorway staring across the small clearing at the light coming from the stable.

  The coward!

  He wasn't coming back to the cabin. Did he really fear her so much? Thinking of his earlier confession, she told herself it wasn't her he feared-it was the idea of being forced into marriage. Her heart twisted with pain at the memory.

  How could Malika not have loved him? Why couldn't Jed see that she did.

  You didn't choose me!

  In the last few hours, those words had stood out in her mind. She may not have known Jed back in Charlesville, but given the chance now, she'd choose him over any other.

  But would he choose her?

  Not likely, she decided. No more than I'd choose to swim up the Mississippi.

  Somehow, recognizing his fear eased her anger and the tension that had been tearing at her these past few days. But it didn't ease her desire.

  She reached for the braid at her shoulder as she stared out across the cold night. She could convince him he had nothing to fear in her. She'd never force him into a marriage he didn't want.

  She pulled the tie from her hair and began unraveling the thick weave. If all he could give her was this night, she'd take it. Who knew what tomorrow would bring? She wouldn't sacrifice her chance to be held by the man she loved, to know how it felt to truly be alive in his arms.

  A cold breeze whipped at Rachell's loose hair as she stepped from the cabin and walked across the yard.

  "Jed?" she called, stepping into the shed. He sat on his bedroll at the far side of a small shelter. One of the books Gran had given him was sitting open on his folded legs. A burning lantern hung from a nail on the wall beside him.

  "Rachell, is something wrong?"

  "You didn't come back inside." She gave a slight shrug. "I thought I'd see if you were hungry?"

  His eyes moved over the wavy length of her hair and Rachell knew he wanted her. She was going to have him.

  The curve of Rachell's lips and the determination in her eyes told Jed she had more on her mind than feeding him stew. He tried to ignore the heated response of his body as he gazed up at her beautiful face, while telling himself he was a man of discipline and self-control-which amounted to a handful of spit as Rachell began to lift her dress up past her hips.

  "No more fighting," she said. "I'll deal with my future tomorrow. Right now, I just want to be held by you."


  She tugged the garment over her head and desire closed over him, constricting his throat. She shook her hair out, wiping out his thoughts as he watched the flames of her hair fanning over the delicate curves of her body, brushing the ivory skin of her slender waist.

  "No more foolishness." With the grace of an angel, she knelt in front of him.

  Jed's hands trembled as his palms smoothed across the soft skin of her hips. He'd never wanted, needed, a woman so badly. Ready to take her into his arms, his hand closed over the fingers working the buttons on his shirt. "Rachell-"

  "Pride be damned," she said, yanking his shirt from his waistband. "I intend to be loved by you, Jed Doulan."

  Jed wondered just how much force she thought she'd have to use. Hell, he'd been fighting a losing battle with himself since the moment he met her. As she pushed his shirt from his shoulders, finally he admitted defeat.

  Rachell touched her lips to his, and he felt the full surrender of his heart. He slid his hands up the smooth skin of her back, pressing her body to his. He could hardly believe something so delicate could make him feel so wild, so out of control.

  He rolled her onto his blankets and Rachell smiled up at him. The sight of her lying beneath him shook his body with a violent tremor of passion. He dipped his head to her breast and drew the delicate pink tip into his mouth.

  Surrender never tasted so sweet.

  Jed took his time, tasting, kissing, caressing, surrounded by the sound of Rachell's passionate cries, consumed by the sensual fire quickly claiming them both. His muscles quivered from restrained passion as Rachell trembled beneath him. Her hand skimmed across the front of his trousers, and Jed groaned against the maddening surge of his blood.

  "Sweetheart, are you sure this is what you want?" he gasped in a fleeting breath. "My control's fading fast."

  "I'm glad." Her sweet lips twisted into an impish grin. "Because I want to feel all of you." She pulled at the closure of his trousers. "These need to come off. Now."

  He rolled aside and removed the rest of his clothes in a few deft movements. He shuddered as she reached for him, her hands traveling down his body.

  "I don't expect more than this night," she said, pressing her lips to his chest as she possessed him with her fiery touch. "Do you understand me? I won't allow you to pay with your life for something I'm giving freely."

  All he understood was that she was turning his world to fire.

  Her lips and hands crashed through his senses like hot bolts of lightning. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe.

  When he could stand no more, he moved over her, guiding her legs around his hips. "Honey, I need to be inside you."

  She shifted, bringing him deeper into the cradle of her thighs.

  "I'll try to be gentle," he breathed against her hps, the slick heat of her body ripping at his control as he probed lightly against her.

  "I know."

  Rachell's open trust was another caress, fueling the fire beneath his skin, increasing his body's demand to be a part of her. Unable to wait any longer, he pressed into the tight, satin heat of her body. Despite her readiness, her body resisted his penetration. Jed froze as she tensed beneath him.

  "You're so small."

  "I'm not so fragile."

  While pleasure swept through his body, he knew he was hurting her. His muscles corded as he fought his urge to sheath himself completely inside her. "Rachell?"

nbsp; She arched toward him in a silent plea. "I want all of you."

  He couldn't deny his body's need to claim her, to make her truly his. "The next time will be better, love, I promise."

  Rachell heard Jed's whispered words, a moment before his hands curved around her hips. He sheathed himself deep inside her. The piercing pain forced a cry from Rachell's throat.

  Jed's lips feathered across Rachell's face, kissing her eyes, her cheeks, her lips, distracting her from his overwhelming presence inside her and the throbbing ache in the place where they were joined. His hands stroked her from her breasts to her thighs, drawing her back into the heat she'd known moments before, causing her to ache and throb in an entirely different way.

  "Are you all right?" Jed asked in a gruff whisper. "Sweetheart, look at me."

  Feeling his slow withdrawal, she tightened her legs around him and dug her fingers into his shoulders. "Please don't stop," she gasped.

  His slow, captivating smile told her he had no intention of doing any such thing. He filled her once more and this time a burst of shimmering heat spread through her. He moved again, a slow retreat, then a sharp return, bringing a delightful rush of pleasure. Instinctively, she lifted her hips higher, allowing him to seek a deeper joining.

  His next thrust filled her to the point of bursting, drowning her in a cascading wave of exquisite sensation. She cried out.

  "Am I hurting you?" he asked, holding her gaze.

  "No, I-" He moved again, dragging a moan from her as she arched to meet his next thrust.

  His tempo increased. She could only focus on the mounting tension within her body. His fingers closed around her hips, tugging her against him, drawing her into his hard thrusts, even as she rose to meet him. Jed's name left her lips in sharp breaths as she gave herself to the wild surge of sensation as a magical fire pulsed through her.

  She heard her name as the passion claimed Jed, his presence so vivid within her body, she cried out with each pulse of his release until they collapsed together.

  His warm body lay upon her, nearly crushing the air from her lungs, yet Rachell was trapped in a state of bliss. She wondered if he too felt as though his bones had turned to melted butter. Jed stirred, lifting some of his weight off her and kindling the swirls of sensations still shimmering deep inside her. When he withdrew, she wanted to hold him, but her arms .slipped from around his neck, one falling behind her head, the other over her eyes, her body still too sated to move.

  Realizing he was crushing her, Jed immediately pulled back, relieving her of his weight. The scarlet evidence of what he'd done stunned him. He'd heard that virgins bled, but the sight of Rachell's blood on him, and on her, was startling.

  His gaze moved up Rachell's delicate body. Even racked with guilt, his body surged with a hardening rush of heat at the sight of her glistening white skin flushed from their lovemak- ing. Pain twisted deep in his chest when he saw a tear slide from beneath her slender arm.

  Dear God, he'd said he would be gentle, yet he'd plowed into her with enough force to shatter her tiny bones. The sharp cries he'd heard in the frenzy of his passion had undoubtedly been from the pain he'd caused her. She was too mortified even to look at him.

  How was he going to fix this? She probably wouldn't want him to touch her again. The thought was unimaginable. She was his now. He'd seen pleasure in her gaze before he'd lost control. He'd have her again, and he'd make damn sure she enjoyed every bit of it. He would start by tending to the damage he'd already done.

  Jed stood and walked toward his supplies. Finding a rag, he went outside to wet it. She'll feel better after I bathe her with a cool damp cloth.

  As Jed rinsed himself at the well, he heard the cabin door open and bang closed.

  Damn it! She's probably barring the door.

  Not wanting to scare the hell out of her when he entered the cabin, he went to retrieve his trousers from the stable. He found them, right beside the rumpled blankets where he'd bedded Rachell, on the hard ground, in a cold horse shed.

  Could I be more of a bastard?

  He should have known he'd have no control when she came apart in his arms. He'd felt her tight heat pulsate around him, and he'd snapped.

  It won't happen again, he vowed, storming toward the cabin. He'd love her with aching tenderness if it killed him!

  At least she hadn't barricaded the door.

  Rachell stood by the stove, wearing her buckskin dress. She turned away from the door as he stepped inside. Light glistened across Rachell's cheek as she turned. She's still crying.


  "Hmm?" She stepped away from the stove as he approached, keeping her back to him.

  "Honey, are you all right?"

  She nodded.

  "Then why won't you look at me?" he asked, closing a hand over her shoulder as he again stepped behind her. Feeling the vibrations of her silent sobs, he turned her toward him, pulling her into his arms. "Oh God, I'm sorry, Rachell."

  "I don't want you to be sorry," she said, pressing her wet face against his bare chest.

  "Honey, I'd never hurt you intentionally. Let me make it better, sugar. You'll feel better after I've cleaned you up."

  Rachell took a quick step back. Her gaze locked on the cloth in his hand. Blatant horror seized her expression as she realized what he intended to do with it. "Jed, no!" She pulled away from his embrace. "That's not necessary."

  "It's very necessary." He put his arm around her shoulders to lead her toward the bed. When she resisted he bent and lifted her into his arms. "Honey, I won't hurt you, I swear it."

  She instantly stilled in his arms. "I know that."

  Jed sat on the thin bed, holding her on his lap. Tears hazed her somber eyes as she met his gaze. "Honey, please don't cry," he whispered, pulling her against his chest-drowning in self contempt as her sobs increased. "Let me make it better."

  "How can you make it better?"

  "At least let me try," he pleaded. "I tried to be gentle, but the feeling of being inside you-I never meant to hurt you."

  She wiggled against his light hold on her, trying to pull free. Not wanting to frighten her, Jed relented. Expecting her to bolt from his lap, he was surprised when she merely sat back and gazed up at him.

  "You didn't hurt me."

  "The hell I didn't."

  "With God as my witness, I enjoyed our joining, more than I could ever describe." Her glossy eyes intently held his gaze.

  "Then.. .why are you crying?"

  "I should think it obvious," she said, dropping her gaze.

  He placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her face up. He bent and kissed away her fresh tears as they spilled across her cheeks. She whispered his name as she pressed against him. "Sugar. Tell me what's wrong."

  "I didn't want to disappoint you."

  He pried her away from his chest, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Rachell, you didn't disappoint me."

  "Then why did you storm outside without saying a word?"

  Damnation. He had, hadn't he? He was out of practice when it came to tending to the feelings of a woman he cared for.

  "Sugar, I didn't hightail it out of that stable because I wasn't pleased with you. It was quite the contrary." He smiled as her face creased with confusion. Lord, but she was a sweet thing. He brushed his lips across her puckered brow. "I've never found sweeter satisfaction in a woman."

  Her frown deepened. "You don't have to patronize me. I'll get better."

  Jed groaned at the thought. "You get any better and you'll kill me for sure." He smiled at her look of surprise. "Rachell, I've never taken a virgin before."


  "Had loved another. A brave who'd died shortly before I met her. I know I hurt you, but I swear-"

  "You didn't hurt me. Well, just a little," she admitted, Her arms slid around him as she pressed her cheek to his chest. "When you moved so powerfully inside me, I felt a pleasure so intense I didn't know if I'd survive it."

  Jed felt her words bur
ning into his soul. He lowered his head, giving her a gentle kiss. "Don't panic," he said as he began to smooth the cloth up her thigh. "I'm gonna clean you up now."

  Rachell leaned against his chest, giving him the freedom he needed to tend to her. He thoroughly swabbed her smooth thighs and sensitive flesh, fully aware of every catch in her

  breath and each subtle movement of her hips. When he'd finished, they were both breathing a fraction too hard.

  So much for my good intentions.

  "Jed?" Rachell whispered in a scarce breath. She met his gaze with passion-filled eyes.

  "You're making it damn hard for me to do the right thing."

  "Is it wrong for me to want to be in your arms?"

  "No," he said. "It's the things I want to do to you while you're in my arms."

  Her eyes sparkled with interest. "What things?"

  He nuzzled her ear, nipping at the delicate lobe. "If I told you, those white cheeks of yours would flame to match the bright shade of your hair."

  "Perhaps you should get me out of this dress so you can show me."

  Her impish smile set his blood afire. "Honey, you're bound to be tender. I don't-" His words ended in a hiss as Rachell's hand found and measured the extent of his arousal.

  "You are very tender yourself," she said, boldly caressing him through his trousers.

  Confidence is a dangerous thing, Jed thought as he pulled her hand away and brought it up to his neck. "You seduced me last time, sugar. I believe it's my turn."

  "Does it make a difference who seduces whom?"

  "You do recall the hot spring?" Jed smiled, watching a sensual shudder take her body. "I remember too, sweetheart." His hands slid under her dress. "I'll remember until I'm sweating from my forehead to my heels and aching for you with every inch of my body."

  "B-but, you didn't make love to me at the hot spring."

  "Had you stayed awake, I would have."

  Her look of surprise was quickly replaced by a brilliant smile. "I shall endeavor to stay awake this time."

  "I plan to make damn sure you do," he murmured against her lips.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The narrow bed was barely wide enough to hold Jed alone. Rachell didn't mind sleeping partially on top of him, and he certainly hadn't seemed to mind holding her. The lantern still burned brightly on the table in the center of the room. With no light seeping through the cabin walls, she knew the sun hadn't yet lit the sky.